“When you want more than you have
You think you need...
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
Because when you have more than you think
You need more space”
- Eddie Vedder, Society (Into the wild)
Society: we want to want more, we need to need more. So we’ve got more and more, and we’ve got it soon. And here we are with all our stuff. And the world is moving fast..
Result: We want less and we want it slow..
So, in 1989 Slow Food Nederland was found. As a reaction on fastfood (the fastfood that WE wanted).
Slow Food is an international movement for eco-gastronomy. One of their goals is to increase the shaping of food-society’s; an economic model that encourages durable production and increases the bonds between people in a society.
The movement counts over 100.000 members in 132 country’s and is grown into a worldwide interactive network.
The company is always alive. The agenda is full of activities, just like workshops, lectures, markets, food fairs and a brand new concept was just born; the Food Filmfestival, which will take place on 18, 19 and 20 march in Studio/K, Amsterdam. The Food Filmfestival shows that food isn’t just one of our basic needs anymore, food is more than that. It is linked to lifestyles, it’s a statement, it’s and art, it’s a vision, it’s a social issue. The Festival shows over 20 films about all these, and more, interpretations of what food is and what food can do. But also discussions, art, music and workshops.
(Food Film Festival, tickets EUR 8 / Students EUR 6,5 Foodfilmfestival.nl)
Ref: slowfood.nl
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